Findern Footpaths Group
Ballast Hole Pond
The pond lies between the canal towpath and the railway line ‘between the Nadee and the railway line crossing the canal. When the railway line was built in the 19th century, ballast was required for its construction and this was dug out of suitable sites beside the railway lines. Many of these holes filled up with water and developed into ponds, the largest of which in our area was opposite Findern School. When the power station was built in the 1950’s, the company required sites to deposit the ash from burnt coal. Landowners were paid to allow it to be deposited in these holes, so most of them disappeared, including this large one. It was a beautiful spot, a large pond surrounded by trees and wildflowers with an old railway carriage as a summer house. A small boat was kept there for fishing or drifting about in. Older villagers talk about the picnics and the Sunday School outings that were enjoyed beside the pond! All that remains of the beautiful area is a large grassy mound and some happy memories.